The Health Benefits of Vitamin C
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vitamin that the human body needs to form the collagen protein found in blood vessels, cartilage, muscles and bones.
In this context, the vitamin plays a central role in human health.
It should be noted that it can be taken both naturally and as a dietary supplement. With the latter is to be paid attention to the pharmaceutical quality of the Calcium Ascorbat. In the following article, we will provide useful information about the importance of this essential vitamin and the possibilities of obtaining high-quality products, for example, through Euro Nutrador.
Ascorbic acid is of great importance for tissue formation and for the healing process of the body after various injuries. It is a type of monosaccharide and is found in almost all living tissues.
In addition, it is one of the few antioxidants that can protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules - so-called free radicals, as well as pollutants such as toxic chemicals and cigarette smoke.
Under normal conditions, excess intake of the vitamin is excreted directly from the body and is not stored. Therefore, there is usually no need to worry about an overdose of vitamin accumulation in the body. However, under all circumstances, it is important not to exceed the safe upper limit of 2,000 milligrams per day to avoid side effects such as heartburn, nausea, headache, stomach cramps, and diarrhea that can result from a sudden overdose.
Withdrawal of the vitamin from the body is not recommended.
What are the benefits of ascorbic acid? Prevention by Calcium Ascorbate Ascorbic acid increases the absorption of iron Strengthening Cognitive Function How can you meet your daily vitamin C requirements? Vitamin C supplements Conclusion:
Because the human body does not naturally produce the vitamin itself, it is necessary either to take it from natural sources through food or to take calcium ascorbate of high pharmaceutical quality. In this regard, it should be mentioned that this
quality product, which can be purchased through Euro Nutrador, will cover your vitamin C needs in the best way. At this point, it is essential to mention that this is not a drug that cures diseases or even promises a medical healing effect. Experts say that vitamin C is one of the safest and most useful nutrients for the
body. Benefits from the vitamin include strengthening the immune system, protecting against cardiovascular diseases, prenatal health problems, eye diseases and even skin wrinkles.
As a result of the studies conducted, ascorbic acid has been shown to be beneficial for people whose immune system is weakened by stress. It is considered an important criterion in measuring overall health, as it is one of the most rapidly depleted nutrients in the body of alcohol users, smokers and overweight
persons. It has been observed that individuals with high levels of vitamin C have a lower risk of stroke than those with low levels of vitamin C in their bodies. Because the vitamin affects cells both inside and outside the body, it is believed to have beneficial effects on skin dryness and aging.
Ascorbic acid deficiency is a relatively rare situation and is more common in malnourished adults. Accordingly, it emphasizes the possibility that some types of cancer and digestive system diseases may be more sensitive to vitamin C deficiency. Individuals with severe vitamin C deficiency may experience conditions such as anemia, bleeding gums, and bruising of the skin. In some cases, it has been observed that a condition called scurvy may occur, which is defined by slowed wound healing.
When you have a cold, taking oral vitamin C supplements does not prevent the common cold. However
there is some evidence that a cold is prevented in individuals who take vitamin C supplements
regularly, suffer the illness for a shorter period of time, and the symptoms that
occur during the course of the illness are less severe.
It has been observed that taking vitamin C supplements along with other
vitamins and minerals has preventive effects against the worsening of
age-related macular degeneration. In addition, it has been shown that individuals who
consume higher levels of vitamin C during their diet have a lower risk
of developing cataracts.
Ascorbic acid is a very important nutrient with countless benefits. Ascorbic acid, involved in
the synthesis of collagen, ensures the repair of cartilage, bones and teeth in
the healing of wounds and helps protect their health. In addition, the vitamin, which contributes to
fulfillment of many biological functions in the human body, has antioxidant
properties. In this way, it reacts with free radicals and neutralizes them. This
prevents free radicals from causing genetic damage to cells. For this
reason, every person - as in principle with all other nutrients - should
make sure to meet their needs for ascorbic acid every day. Apart from this, some important
benefits accompany it:
Antioxidant foods help prevent the development of chronic diseases Ascorbic acid
reduces oxidative stress by removing free radicals from the body. Thanks to this
property, it has protective effects against many chronic diseases. In addition, there
are studies showing a blood pressure lowering effect.
Some scientific studies have shown that ascorbic acid helps balance high cholesterol and
triglyceride levels. Thanks to this function, adequate intake
is known to significantly reduce the possibility of developing heart disease.
Furthermore, gout is a health problem that causes severe pain, swelling and inflammation
by causing the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints.
Ascorbic acid likewise helps prevent gout attacks by
lowering uric acid levels in the blood. At the same time, it minimizes the risk of developing gout.
Ascorbic acid creates an acidic environment that allows faster absorption of dietary
absorbed iron in the intestine. In this way, it prevents anemia by increasing
iron absorption. To make the most of this property of ascorbic acid, it
is beneficial to consume meat, chicken, fish, and legumes high in iron, along with
foods such as fresh salads and lemons high in vitamin C.
Ascorbic acid is a nutrient that combats the problem of dementia, which often occurs due to
aging. If we look at the studies, it shows that ascorbic acid strengthens the ability to think
and memory by preventing oxidation and inflammation near the central
nervous system, thus preventing dementia. Ascorbic acid stimulates the production
of white blood cells - also called lymphocytes and phagocytes - that protect the body from
infections. In this way, it provides important protection against infection by
strengthening the immune system in an effective way.
Ascorbic acid is most commonly found in citrus fruits, various fruits and vegetables.
In addition, it is possible to take the vitamin in the form of capsules and chewable tablets.
To ensure that water-soluble vitamins are present in the body in healthy amounts,
such vitamins should be continuously included in the diet. Eating vitamin C-rich
fruits and vegetables raw after thoroughly cleaning them prevents some of the
water-soluble vitamins from being lost in the cooking water.
Studies have shown that the most vitamin C-rich foods are citrus fruits, green peppers,
strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes and sweet potatoes.
Rich sources of vitamin C also include dark leafy greens, melons, papaya, mango,
Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, bell peppers, raspberries, blueberries, winter squash and pineapple.
Vitamin C supplements are safe if taken within the daily limit. In
general, a total of 85 to 120 milligrams per day is considered
sufficient for an adult. However, people who have been specifically diagnosed with a vitamin C deficiency should
take 100 to 200 milligrams daily until their blood levels return to normal.
Vitamin C supplements can be used for this purpose. Vitamin supplements are also available as
chewing gums and effervescent powders. Ascorbic acid can also raise blood sugar levels,
so it should be used with caution in diabetes.
In addition to meeting the body's energy needs for daily activities through
consumed food, it is important to fully
absorb the macro- and micronutrients needed. In order for the body to perform its daily tasks smoothly, the need for
vitamins and minerals must be met in addition
to an adequate intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. One of the most common types of vitamin deficiency in
our country is ascorbic acid. In case of deficiency, supplementary preparations are recommended.
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vitamin that the human body needs to form the collagen protein found in blood vessels, cartilage, muscles and bones. In this context, the vitamin plays a central role in our health.